mandag 14. desember 2009


Naturressurser er forkomster i naturmiljøet som tillfredstiller menneskes behov for varer og tjenester. olje, gass og treverk er eksempler på naturressurser så og si alle ting vi omgir oss med er knyttet til mat, klær, papir, metal, drivstoff, glass, plast, asfalt, betong o.s.v de viktigste naturressursene i Canada er olje, naturrgass, fisk, jern, nikkel, sink, gull, sølv, bly, tømmer, grus og sand. Canada er spessielt kjent for tømmer.

Hundreds pay tribute to victims of Montreal Massacre

Hundreds of people gathed at the Women's Monument in Ottawa Sunday night the 20th anniversary of the Montreal Massacre.

The vilgil, like those in Montreal and across the contry, remebered the 14 women who lost their lives and the 13 injured when Marc Lepine entered the Ecole Polytechnique December 6 1989. It was a massacre ho hates women came into a technical school and rape the womens and then killed them.

With snow falling through the night sky, the names of the victims where read along with the names of other women who were killed in recent attacks.


Vi har laget ett linjediagram for temperaturen i Canada for ett helt år.

Nedbør på ett år i Canada

Dette diagrammet viser bare hvor mange dager det regner i løpet av ett år.
Det regner opptil 97 dager i året i Canada


Tidsdifferensen mellom Norge og Canada er ca. 8t.

Lokaltiden i vårt ferieland er ca. 20:00 når vi lander, når vi da ringer hjem er klokka 03:00 på natta.


Ottawa the capital of Canada. The city is situated along the Ontario side of the Ottawa River, opposite Gatineau, Quebec. The metropolitan population of Ottawa is 1.4 million and is currently the fourth largest urban centre in Canada, and the second largest in Ontario after Toronto. Unique as a North American capital, the city is bilingual. English is the first language of a majority of the population, but French is the first language of a significant number. Staff in most stores and restaurants speak both well and, in general, bilingualism is common. Ottawa is home to many of the world's cultures as thousands of immigrants from around the world now call Ottawa home. The city is probably best known as the nation's capital but has become one of the fastest growing cities in North America owing to the booming high-tech business sector.

Sports in Canada

The sporting culture of Canada consists of a variety of games. Although there are many contests that Canadians value, the most common are ice hockey, Canadian football, basketball, soccer, and baseball.

Ice hockey, referred to as simply hockey in the country, is Canada's most prevalent winter sport,its most popular spectator sport, and its most successful sport in international competition. Lacrosse, a sport with Aboriginal origins, is Canada's oldest and official sport.

 Canadian football is Canada's second most popular spectator sport, and the Canadian Football League's annual championship, the Grey Cup, is the country's largest annual sports event. Association football, known in Canada as soccer in both English and French, has the most registered players of any sport in Canada, but has yet to enjoy the sustained popularity as a major professional sport. 

However, throughout the last two decades, soccer has showed an improvement in terms of popularity through its associations and club structures at the provincial and national levels.Other popular team sports include curling, street hockey, cricket, rugby and softball.

 Cricket is the fastest growing sport in Canada currently. Popular individual sports include auto racing, boxing, cycling, golf, hiking, horse racing, ice skating, rodeo, skateboarding, skiing, snowboarding, swimming, tennis, triathlon, track and field, water sports, and wrestling. As a country with a generally cool climate, Canada has enjoyed greater success at the Winter Olympics than at the Summer Olympics, although significant regional variations in climate allow for a wide variety of both team and individual sports. Major upcoming multi-sport events in Canada include the 2010 Winter Olympics.Great achievements in Canadian sport are recognized by Canada's Sports Hall of Fame, while the Lou Marsh Trophy is awarded annually to Canada's top athlete by a panel of journalists.

The most popular sport in Canada is Ice Hockey; one of the players is Wayne Gratzky. Wayne is playing Centre on the Ice Hockey field, and his nickname is The Great One. After he retired, he became a part- of the Phoenix Coyotes of the National Hockey League. He has also been the club’s head coach and of hockey oprations.